Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the new--or rather vastly improved--color map

It was hard to do the colors by hand. I did not want to just take a color scheme straight from colorbrewer.org though it would have been easier. And it may have looked a bit better but this is a learning experience and I have learned that with a bit of work, good colors can be done by hand. It just takes longer. Much longer. Compared to the gray-scale version, this is perhaps easier to read. But I spent a few years doing black and white photography as a hobby and I think I can pick out subtleties in gray better than others. The way I displayed the data has huge swaths of the country falling into the same class and therefore are the same color. The eye did not focus on the middle gray tones in the same way as the middle green that I used. I actually prefer the gray-scale version and think that had I just tweaked a couple of the tones, it would have been more presentable.

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